Sparring partner for
entrepreneurs and boards

On complex matters, course changes and business culture.

Are you unsure of where you want to take your company in the near future? Are you reconsidering the current culture, structure, or maybe even your own position within your organisation?

I'd be glad to join as an external sparring partner to help you clarify your goals and how to achieve them.

  • Change the course or culture of your company
  • Tackle complex issues with a clear vision
  • Future-proof your company
  • I have been an entrepreneur for over 30 years. I’d gladly use my knowledge and experience to advise you when you want to further develop your business. I know the potential pitfalls and how easy it can be as an entrepreneur to forget your personal self. There is always something else that requires your attention, be it customers, staff, or finances. By investing in me as a thought partner, you choose to pause for a moment. To find out what is going through your head. To reflect so that afterwards you’re able to make powerful choices again. Choices that fit to who you are and what you stand for.

    Graag help ik mensen hun energielekken op te sporen en op te ruimen, groot te dromen en te leven vanuit hun eigen kernwaarden. Ik geloof dat dicht bij jezelf blijven en moedig leven, leidt tot meer effectiviteit en geluk – zowel zakelijk als privé.

    Get in touch


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    I will contact you by phone within 24 hours

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